Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I don´t enjoy much learn and study English, because I think that this language should not be obligatory, I believe that each person must be free to learn any language, and for me it is a difficult language and is not interesting. About this  I think  that we can decide who language learn. But  I must recognize that this class helped me to  learn and practice more the English and I can communicate a little better in this language.

I believe that the experience of write in the blog was interesting and funny because I had the opportunity to express  my opinion about different topics and this is not a  prototypical activities of  any class and but I think that the topics seen in the blogs was funny.

I think that I must get better my writing skills, because I think that this not be goods, but I felt a progress in this area considering that  in the first class I was very worried , because  it is difficult to me write in English, but in  the development  of the course I have  feel  that I can write and express better than in past. For increase my writing skills I must practice more about grammar and spelling. Other aspect that I need improve is my pronunciation skills, for improve this skill I consider that I have to practice more, speaking about different points.

I’m not use English often, but for some subjects I have to read paper in this language for learn about some topics.