Friday, May 9, 2014

The interpretation of dreams

In the next presentation i will talk about “the interpretation of  dreams” by Sigmund Freud.I will speak   a little about  psychoanalytic theory. And I will introduce and explain who was Sigmund Freud and what  is his important. Also  I will delve in the one of his most famous work, the interpretation of dreams”. In the  presentation  I will present the  parts of the dreams, as a Manifest content of the dreams , the latent content, the mechanism for  this happen, the procedure used by psychoanalyst to decipher dreams. And the reason because i choose the topic.Really  I do not like the pychoanalysis, on the contrary, I think this área of psychology is very determining  whit de persons. I think the human beings are more that her unconscious. But I chose this theme because the dreams are a topic that many people are interested in, and I would like to know one of the most controversial theories that explain this phenomenon.About this , I think the dreams are a important part of ourselves. And know about them help us to know  a little who we are.


  1. I do not psichoanalityc theory, but I think your theory about dreams, is good.

  2. I don't know so much about this topic, but I really like the works of Freud and the dreams in psychoanalysis

  3. Always is necesary a little of Freud :D
