Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Babe: The Gallant Pig...

Hi everyone,

It is difficult to  think in my favorite movie, because I enjoy a lot watching this creations and I believe that there are a lot of movies that are very good, but I must recognize that the movie that I watch each time that is on the TV is,  Babe: The Gallant Pig,  in this movie the main character is Babe, who is a little orphan pig  that arrives in a Hodgget Farm, in there he interacts with the different animals that live in the farm , among them I can say sheep, dogs, rats and others. As Babe is an orphan pig, a Sheepdog called Fly takes care of him, for this reason Babe thinks that is a sheepdog like his adoptive father and  he  wants to be the best sheepdog, the farmer Hodgget analyzes the pig's behavior and decides to  sign the pig on a Sheepdog's competition. 

I like this movie because I love the animals, and I think that the story is very lovely and proof that animals are more than food and they can be treated with love and respect.

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