My future job probably will be a
Psychologist, because I decided to study this major until a few years ago. I choose this because when I go out of Scholl I was not sure about what major choose to study in the university and in one opportunity I was the chance to talk with a friend that study this, and I could know more about this profession. I think that the psychologist can help to society in many areas, especially in the last time in which the problems associated with the lifestyle and the life rhythm as well as problems associated with living in communities, and other difficulties associated with social malaise, inequality, between others have increased considerably. I would like to work in an organization, public service or other kind of place in that I will have the opportunity to treat whit people (I hope children) that have infringement and need help to pursue a better life and stop their suffering, I'm not like will be a clinical psychologist, because I believe that the problems that can have one person, can be treated from and with the community.

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