Wednesday, October 29, 2014

post n°6

Hello, today I will talk about a news I just saw on TV, this has relation with the mass resignation of 31 doctors working in the hospital Padre Hurtado. As this medical center is a teaching hospital, the working conditions of the people who work there are very bad. The people who work there claim to do shifts of more than 36 hours and do not have compensatory rest. Well I think this news is important because  in this hospital recieve medical atention people of three southern communes of Santiago.

 I live in one of these three communes and am witness to the poor quality of care in this hospital, I saw long lines of people at 5 am trying to get an hour to receive medical care. While I know that the guilt of this crisis in the public health system is not entirely doctors and they also have the right to complain and demand better working conditions, this fact came to further deepen the poor conditions in which must be recieve medical help the poorest and most vulnerable people in our country. 

I think we should as users demand a decent health care in which our rights aren't violated not by the amount of money that we can have. I hope someday in our society are respected and be guaranted basic rights of all human beings, like as health and education.

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