Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I don´t enjoy much learn and study English, because I think that this language should not be obligatory, I believe that each person must be free to learn any language, and for me it is a difficult language and is not interesting. About this  I think  that we can decide who language learn. But  I must recognize that this class helped me to  learn and practice more the English and I can communicate a little better in this language.

I believe that the experience of write in the blog was interesting and funny because I had the opportunity to express  my opinion about different topics and this is not a  prototypical activities of  any class and but I think that the topics seen in the blogs was funny.

I think that I must get better my writing skills, because I think that this not be goods, but I felt a progress in this area considering that  in the first class I was very worried , because  it is difficult to me write in English, but in  the development  of the course I have  feel  that I can write and express better than in past. For increase my writing skills I must practice more about grammar and spelling. Other aspect that I need improve is my pronunciation skills, for improve this skill I consider that I have to practice more, speaking about different points.

I’m not use English often, but for some subjects I have to read paper in this language for learn about some topics.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

post n°6

Hello, today I will talk about a news I just saw on TV, this has relation with the mass resignation of 31 doctors working in the hospital Padre Hurtado. As this medical center is a teaching hospital, the working conditions of the people who work there are very bad. The people who work there claim to do shifts of more than 36 hours and do not have compensatory rest. Well I think this news is important because  in this hospital recieve medical atention people of three southern communes of Santiago.

 I live in one of these three communes and am witness to the poor quality of care in this hospital, I saw long lines of people at 5 am trying to get an hour to receive medical care. While I know that the guilt of this crisis in the public health system is not entirely doctors and they also have the right to complain and demand better working conditions, this fact came to further deepen the poor conditions in which must be recieve medical help the poorest and most vulnerable people in our country. 

I think we should as users demand a decent health care in which our rights aren't violated not by the amount of money that we can have. I hope someday in our society are respected and be guaranted basic rights of all human beings, like as health and education.

Hi, today I'll talk about the 2014 year.

I think that this year has been very quiet, I have had worst years like as a 2013. The 2013 was a worst year of my life, me and my family suffered a lot of tragedy and  we having to overcome for difficult  and sad situations.
For my the 2014  is a sad year , I have had to outpace the sadness and pursue with the life, for this reasons I don't remember many good  things about this year, but I must recognize that anything  bad happens to me, only I think that this is a irrelevant year. About achievements I think that the most attainment was the experience and knowledge that I take in my last year in the university before the professional practice

This year went so fast, and I believe that I can't do anything important... :(, but the year is not over, still I can do interesting things.
I think that the 2014 will finish good, because if everything is OK I will be cross to my last year in the University ( I hope) I'm very eagerness whit this. I wait for the ending of this year because I have a great plan for my vacations, and I work much for do this.

 I haven't much to say about this year, and i think that this is a transition year to overtake the past years and begin a new year with more strong and happiness to deliver more energy to my family.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Hi everyone today I must to talk about the money.

For me the money is not important, my family is very humble and we never have needed a lot of money to live, (this not mean that we have a lot of necessity) , so  for all my life I have survive with a little budget and I think that  I not need more.

 Well,  I spend my money on current things like, clothes ( when I need this), food and travel,  because I think that when I have money I must enjoy this, obviously I have to contribute whit my family's duty , because it is difficult live whit a little money.

 I believe that since a   greedy point of view I'm not a good managing my money, but I'm not love the money, someone says that the money move the world, but I don't think so.

It is difficult  to think about what I do if I will be a millionaire, but I would  help to my family to buy  a big house in which fit all family. I hope invest in a big terrain in the countryside to live the life that I want , in this place I would like  have many plants, tree and above all I hope this helps to refuge to abandoned and abuse animals.  

I'm not have many  expensive or value things to pawn, but if I had to do this I pawn my TV because this is the least important in my house.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

I have a little of information about the environmentally friendly practices, when I was in the school this topic never was important, I think that my minimum knowledge about this, come to my by websites or things like this.  About my garbage I have to say that , I have never recycling this L , I think that  this is not useful because if I recycling , when pass the trash truck my garbage be mix and my effort will be not useful for anything. I think that recycling be a very good habit, but  is necessary a public politic that regulate the correct use and treatment of our garbage.  I think  that my contribution to recycling is the reuse things that the people often change, things  like as a cell phone, television, clothes, and thing like that.
About other habits eco-friendly, I think that I´m not a green person, because I´m poor person L, if I could use a bike I do this, but I don’t have a bike, and if I could plant and cultivate trees or anything I will be a happy person but I don’t have the means and the time  to do this.

I think that one of the most important contributions to reduce my carbon footprint is be a vegetarian person, because the meat industry is one of the most polluter and cruelty way to destroy our world.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

My future job probably will be a Psychologist, because I decided to study this major until a few years ago. I choose this because when I go out of Scholl I was not sure about what major choose to study in the university and in one opportunity I was the chance to talk with a friend that study this, and I could know more about this profession. I think that the psychologist can help to society in many areas, especially in the last time in which the problems associated with the lifestyle and the life rhythm as well as problems associated with living in communities, and other difficulties associated with social malaise, inequality, between others have increased considerably. I would like to work in an organization, public service or other kind of place in that I will have the opportunity to treat whit people (I hope children) that have infringement and need help to pursue a better life and stop their suffering, I'm not like will be a clinical psychologist, because I believe that the problems that can have one person, can be treated from and with the community.

If I were asked about my strengths probably I say that I can work very well with other people and  that I’m a very sincere person.  About my weaknesses I have to accept that sometimes I haven’t a filter to say that I think.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

It is difficult to choose a concert to talk about, because I usually go to a different concerts I enjoy the music and I'm lucky because the bands that I like usually came to Chile. However I'll talk about the last concert that I went.this was the " El ultimo ke zierre" that Is a Spaniard band that sing and play Punk Rock music, this band I listened when I was a teenager, and I was very fanatic, but today I can say that I enjoy this music but I'm not a fan, well the concert was the past May, 21 in the Caupolican theatre. 
I go to this concert because my best friend Valentina invites me whit the reason to go to remember past years, and I enjoyed this concert a lot, in there I had the chance to run into with some friends that i don't sew for a long time, this was funny because with them remind many situations and old friends. About the concert I was very happy because the musicians sang their full repertory, situation that made me felt like a fan, because I sang all the time.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Babe: The Gallant Pig...

Hi everyone,

It is difficult to  think in my favorite movie, because I enjoy a lot watching this creations and I believe that there are a lot of movies that are very good, but I must recognize that the movie that I watch each time that is on the TV is,  Babe: The Gallant Pig,  in this movie the main character is Babe, who is a little orphan pig  that arrives in a Hodgget Farm, in there he interacts with the different animals that live in the farm , among them I can say sheep, dogs, rats and others. As Babe is an orphan pig, a Sheepdog called Fly takes care of him, for this reason Babe thinks that is a sheepdog like his adoptive father and  he  wants to be the best sheepdog, the farmer Hodgget analyzes the pig's behavior and decides to  sign the pig on a Sheepdog's competition. 

I like this movie because I love the animals, and I think that the story is very lovely and proof that animals are more than food and they can be treated with love and respect.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Dreamed vacations

For years I have the doubt about what is the sense of the mole on my forehead, many people says that this is a Indian symbol that represent a third eye, really I think that  this mole have any meaning and for this I've investigate more about this culture and this are result  very interesting, I think that the symbols and belief of Indian people are many rich and I like so much the respect for the animal life, Also i think that his religion is very cool, they have many goods that be represents for humans and animals and his life system is very different that our customs, I don’t know much about his food but for me this is not a problem considering that they not eat animals. 

In India I would like to visit the Ganges river that is considerate a sacred place for the induism religion, also I would like to go to the Monkey’s temple that is a place where the monkeys are adore for be considerate sacred animals. 
I really would like to go to the India, I hope some day have the required  money to do this beautiful trip.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

About me.

Hi everyone, my name is Aymara Roa. I am 21 years old. I live in San Ramón with my parents in the Grandparent's house. I Study psychology, currently I am in fourth year. I like the dogs a lot, and sometimes I cooperate in an organization that tries to help the abandoned dogs in the streets. Also I enjoy listening to music and share with friends. 

About me and English we don't have a good relationship because I tried to learn English, but I´m not getting speak and pronounce English well, but in the past classes of English I try to make an effort and I can learn more about this, and in this class I hope to polish my skills and my old knowledge, and obviously learn and speak English the best form that I can do it.

Semester 2 level 4

Friday, June 27, 2014

I think that the experience of write in the blog was interesting, because in the previous English courses we don’t do anything different that the prototypical activities of  any class.
I don´t enjoy much learn English, because I believe that it is a language difficult and is not interesting for my, because I think that the learn a different language must to optional and we can decide who language learn. Despite this I think that the activities in this class helped me a lot, while now I´m not a best student in the class I think that I learn and practice more the English and I can communicate a little better in this language.
I feel that my writing skills increase, in the first class I was very worried , because I had never written a lot in English, but in  the development  of the course I have  feel  that I can write and express better than in past.
I would like include in the course more activities like in which we was looked for in different websites the information of different places to visit  hypothetically.
I would have liked to write about music, or we opinion about currently topics, and more about our careers, but I think that the topics seen in the blogs was interesting and funny.

Friday, June 13, 2014

 Hi, today I would like speak you a little about my future profession, and why I choose this area.
Before that I finished school I didn’t know what career to study in university, I was very confuse, because for many years I thought that my vocation was associated with the area of  biology. But in my last year in the school I decided that this didn’t  make me happy, and I changed my focus in the social sciences, then I decided  study Psychology, because I thought  that this career was very interesting and the occupational field was very varied. Also always I felt god listening and interacting whit different people.

I think that the psychologist can contribute in many areas, and their work is very important, because in the last time, the mental illness, the various disorders associated with lifestyle and individual requirements, as well as problems associated with living in communities, and other difficulties associated with social malaise, inequality between others, have increased in number in our society.

My favorite subject is Community Psychology, because I am very interest in the process and topics that emerge for the community and the numerous interactions that born here. And the behavior of people in the community.

Friday, June 6, 2014

I don’t do many things, really only I study, share with my family and some friends and sometimes I go to work. I think that the time is very limited and I’d like add more hours to a day. But if I’d have more time, I would like to learn to talk and understand the Quechua language. I love the culture of the native people of the north of Chile and the near countries, such as the, Atacameña, Bolivian, Aymara cultures, etc. and I’d like to know more about his origin. Other thing that I would like to learn is Yoga or any kind of meditation, this practice come to my in a class of this semester called “Introduction to Humanistic Psychology”, and in there  I learn the importance of the keep the attention focused in the present,  move the opinion and accepting own existence, because like this  the human beings  tends to the realization of their potential. I think that this is an important topic because the meditation and other things like this would can considered as an alternative therapy to treat illness like a Depression, anxiety, etc. About things that I start to learning and stopped. I leave to half many things, but I would like to pursue learn serigraph.

Friday, May 9, 2014

The interpretation of dreams

In the next presentation i will talk about “the interpretation of  dreams” by Sigmund Freud.I will speak   a little about  psychoanalytic theory. And I will introduce and explain who was Sigmund Freud and what  is his important. Also  I will delve in the one of his most famous work, the interpretation of dreams”. In the  presentation  I will present the  parts of the dreams, as a Manifest content of the dreams , the latent content, the mechanism for  this happen, the procedure used by psychoanalyst to decipher dreams. And the reason because i choose the topic.Really  I do not like the pychoanalysis, on the contrary, I think this área of psychology is very determining  whit de persons. I think the human beings are more that her unconscious. But I chose this theme because the dreams are a topic that many people are interested in, and I would like to know one of the most controversial theories that explain this phenomenon.About this , I think the dreams are a important part of ourselves. And know about them help us to know  a little who we are.

Monday, May 5, 2014


Hi everyone,
Today I will write about self-realization. This topic came to me while studying for a test of the subject:  “Introduction to Humanistic Psychology”. Despite the difficult of the test and there addressed the issues.  I think that humanistic psychology contributes important ideas when it comes to know the human nature.
One of these concepts that I consider very important is the self-realization.  Considering that the self-realization, means that human beings by nature tends to the realization of their potential.This means develop the needs are and the most latent and significant capabilities as are the physical, emotional, social , etc.This means that as human beings we are driven from within ourselves to preserve our basic welfare the most possible and update our skills and talents. In this sense the self-realization, starts of survival to go beyond common life, and thus achieve the good life.
I believe it is very important talk about the self-realization of human beings, for to consider the potential and skills that we that human presents in order to build a better society for all.

Friday, April 25, 2014


I don`t have a favorite website, but I spend a lot of time in the computer, especially in internet. I use principally Google because in there I found a lot of information for do my homework and search papers to complement my learning in the university. Also if I have nothing to do,  in Google I find many websites in which I can see free movies .The website that I most use is , because in there  you can see a lot of different movies and  free premiers without time restrictions.I use Facebook for connect with friends and classmates and see the news of  friends. Also In the social networks that Facebook and Twitter I can see and find recent news that not appear in the television or in newspapers.Other website that I use is YouTube. Here I see videos of singers that I like and videos of any topic that I interest. Also sometimes I use this site to see tutorials about handicrafts or things as this.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Hi,Today  I will talk about  Bolivia a beautiful country that I visited in 2010 in  holidays.  I went to Bolivia with my boyfriend, for go to a  concert was make in Cochabamba and  know new places. But there was no concert in the end, i don't know what. Anyway we went to Bolivia and visited many cities of the country and saw lovelys landscapes.I like this country because in there are many diferent landscapes for example you can see jungle, plains, cities that have a different architecture than that we  have in Chile.

 I also like the culture that there is  there, the  native languages  that I like learn,  as "Quechua" and " Aymara" .And  I also like  the typical dances that they do in celebrations around  the country, one of the most famous is  the  " Carnaval de Oruro".

Friday, April 4, 2014

About me

My name is Aymara Roa.Iam 21 years old.  I live in San Ramón with my family. I Study psycology, currently I am in fourth year. I like the dogs a lot,  and I help in a organization that cares for abandoned dogs . Also i I like music and I enjoy much going to concerts.